From the unerring, gem-producing label Emotion comes the latest release from Priest (formerly x Priest x), purveyors of a genial 80's synth sound. Their Samurai EP snuck its way onto our best of list last year and they look poised to make a strong case again with their upcoming full length release (May 5th on Emotion) if debut single "The Game" is anything to go off of.
The track avoids an overindulgence in sonic bliss by virtue of Madeline Priest's ethereal voice—a presence that, although commendable for its delicacy, does not for a second relinquish it's captivating prowess. If the lush soundscape does its best to carry listeners upward, Priest's vocals anchor us in all the same. The delightful midway is an emitting beam of growing confidence and sureness on the part of the band, a feeling of subtle improvement befitting their slight name change. Listen to "The Game" below.