
Watch: Odd Future - "Oldie"

In case you haven't heard Odd Future's Tape Volume 2, "Oldie"'s 10 minutes close out this Loiter Squad release. For those fans turned off by Goblin or Odd Future's entire 2011 campaign, they've roared back with a love-for-the-crew cut. While critics and skeptics scramble to askew Odd Future's claimed "fifteen minutes of fame", Tyler and company showcase here why they deserved those "fifteen minutes" and perhaps even more. On "Oldie", they remind us why wailing "Free Earl" or "Golf Wang" was so enjoyable in the first place. Odd Future's effortless "crew-love"mentality displays first and foremost that the group, despite record deals and major endorsements, are still as charismatic and appealable as ever. This is the definitive Odd Future anthem if there ever was one.